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auto accidentS



Among the most common and bone-shaking injuries (and causes of death) there's one thing that sits at the top of the totem pole; car accidents. Most of the time the car accidents that claim its victims lives are avoidable, but sometimes it happens in the blink of an eye. The Centers for Disease Control lists very clearly that 46 percent of world-wide spinal chord injuries happen during a car accident; as well at traumatic brain damage, which is common among car crash victims. If you have been in a car crash that was caused by the other driver, then you should seriously consider letting one of our representatives build your case.

The Rousell Law Firm is ready to work on a case anytime, any day, because we believe that justice should always be served properly. We conduct strict and thorough investigations that will yield results you hadn't even thought of,. We look for the pin-point aspects to build our case, we check to see if the other driver had been distracted; maybe texting a friend about lunch instead of focusing on the important task at hand, DRIVING!




An attorney will personally meet with you and discuss the details of your injury. Once you have been assessed, we can determine what, as well as whom we should target for the case. Our intentions are solely to have you receive what is owed, full compensation is always a key factor to us.


  • Compensations include things like:

    • Medical treatment,

    • Hospital fees and any other care fees associated with the injury. 


  • Income lost through the car crash, be it the car itself or the significance of your financial well-being.


  • Severe injury or disfigurement. 


  • Mental suppression, physical pain and/or suffering. 


If you lost a relative in a automobile accident, we can help you with a wrongful death lawsuit; which will help you receive compensation (be it mentally or financially), as well as making sure that the other driver is held responsible for your loss. When one is injured in a car, they should always be aware of the compensations that come along with the pain and suffering that is dealt with. Contact ROUSELL LAW FIRM today and let us help you.

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We are conveniently located in Gretna, LA not far from the Westbank Expressway, with free parking. 


1799 Stumpf Blvd.

Bldg. 3-2

Gretna, LA 70056


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