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Trucking Accident Attorney


If you or a loved one has been in a truck accident you know for a fact that it's no laughing matter. If the truck driver is the one to blame for the collision you may be able to receive compensation through a personal injury lawsuit. Truck drivers are known the have long days, and they are also known to stay on the road for much longer than they're supposed to. If a truck driver

was neglecting the fact that he needs sleep, or maybe they were even texting, they could be help liable for your injuries and any damage to your personal items. Our attorney's have been there, and done that. We've got experience that not many other firms can offer you, and we have a vast amount of clients that have seen success in their personal injury lawsuits. We are definitely the best to be representing you, it's just up to you to realize it for yourself!


Our team has the knowledge and skills to get it done, and personal injury lawsuits like these are no joke. Our firm will do their very best to make sure you receive full compensation, which includes:


  • Medical expenses taken care of, emergency treatments/hospitalization, etc.


  • Replacement of wages lost from your injury.


  • Compensation for the pain and trauma you were forced to experience.


  • Even wrongful death compensations if a loved one is lost in a fatal wreck.




An attorney will be assigned to your case from out firm, and from there they will build the case files as needed. They will check for different things, different variables that could have affected the situation and lead to the incident. Maybe the driver was driving for too long, and failed to make a stop; drowsiness at the wheel is a common factor of car wrecks. It doesn't matter if you were jackknifed, got rear-ended, or even rolled over/got into an under-ride accident; our attorney's will be there to make sure you receive full compensation for your losses.

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We are conveniently located in Gretna, LA not far from the Westbank Expressway, with free parking. 


1799 Stumpf Blvd.

Bldg. 3-2

Gretna, LA 70056


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